About Marina
Homeopathy has been a way of life for Marina, and she continues to study with esteemed teachers from all over the world. She completed a 3 year course, Dynamis, with Jeremy Sherr RSHom grounding her deeply in the philosophy of Homeopathy.
More recently Marina studied with Indian Homeopaths, Dr. Rajan Sankaran, Dr. Shachindra and Bawashi Joshi and Dr. Dinesh Chauhan. Studying with these masters has included the "Sensation Method", which can bring patients closer to their inner beings.
For eleven years, Marina traveled to Tanzania to work with HHA, Homeopathy for Health in Africa mainly working with HIV/AIDS patients. HIV/AIDS has changed to a chronic disease, but we treat not only these patients but a broad part of the population. This experience has been incredible, and has broadened Marina's horizons to understand epidemics diseases in third world countries.